Osteopathy for the internal organs – part 2

by | Jan 14, 2020 | Gut, Osteopathy

Visceral Osteopathy

This is part 2 of 2. Click here for part 1.

So, here we are again trying to discover a few very common issues between us.
If you recognise any of the them it would be worth visiting our visceral osteopath here at the Living Centre Clinic, who will surely help.

Reflux or heartburn

Suffering from heart burn?

Acid reflux is much more common that you think, affecting 14 to 20% of the population.

Which are the more frequent symptoms?

  • Heartburn, a burning feeling in your chest, usually appears after meals, and might be worse at night, in the lying down position
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Regurgitation of food or liquid without vomiting
  • Burping or bloating feeling
  • Sensation of a lump in your throat
  • Chronic cough or laryngitis

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn occurs when stomach acid frequently goes back into the long tube connecting your mouth and stomach (oesophagus). The stomach content, or acid reflux, can irritate the inner skin (mucosa) of your oesophagus.

So how can we help?

GERD is a visceral pathology that can greatly benefit from visceral osteopathy, that has proven to be effective in the reduction of the symptoms.

Osteopathy will work on postural elements, acting on the spine, rib cage and the muscle diaphragm. The last one in particular play an important role in the pathology, when for certain reason its holding action on the cardias valve is compromised.

Your osteopath will most likely work on the other abdominal organs, and will improve the mobility of the nerves that go to the stomach and that control its function (have you ever heard about the vagal nerve?).



Suffering from constipation?

Constipation is a common issue affecting about 14% of people worldwide. Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. The stool is often hard and dry. Other symptoms may include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Feeling as if one has not completely passed the bowel movement

So how can we help?

The osteopathic treatment is aimed to reduce the potential abdominal tension. The osteopath will work directly the bowel and on its connection to the spine and to the other abdominal structures. Visceral techniques are also used to improve its vascularization and innervation coming from the lower spine and from the head (again the vagus nerve).
The osteopath usually will also advise you on lifestyle adjustments that you could benefit from.


Chronic pelvic pain

Suffering from pelvic pain?

We may have a chronic pelvic pain syndrome when there is a pain in the pelvic area that lasts for 6 months or longer. It is a condition that mainly affects women, but also men can be affected.  Chronic pain can come and go, or it can be constant. Sometimes chronic pelvic pain follows a regular cycle. For example, it may occur during menstruation in women.

Chronic pelvic pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, that may be related to the reproductive organs, or to the urinary tract or bowel. Some women have more than one condition that might be the cause of their pain. For some women with chronic pelvic pain, unfortunately no cause is found.

It is very important to not self-diagnose, it’s fundamental to see the GP to get its medical opinion, and to maybe be referred to a gynaecologist or another specialist.

Nevertheless, visceral osteopathy may help along the medical approach.


The osteopath usually will evaluate and treat:

  • Pelvic and abdominal organs
  • Pelvis and lower spine, for biomechanical, fascial and neurologic connections
  • The pelvic floor muscles (a group of muscles that runs from the pubic bone to the tailbone). They are involved in almost every functional body movement we make. Because we can’t see, and often can’t feel, this muscle, it is fundamental to have a specialist identify which muscles are weak or tight and how they are functioning. The osteopath will assess how the pelvic floor is working and the loading that it is experiencing.



Scar tissue

All around your body there is a particular type of tissue, called connective tissue or fascia. It surrounds the other structures in the body, and it can be found everywhere.
When a cut or a wound occurs on any type of superficial tissue, whether this is of traumatic onset (an injury, accident), or it occurs after a disease or a surgery, the affected tissue needs to heal, and this is when scarring also happens.

But sometimes the healing mechanism doesn’t work properly, and what we call adhesions can be created, causing pulling to the surrounding tissue (fascia). These restrictions can affect the viscera around, but also joints and muscles in the surrounding area and/or very far from it in the body. With its evaluation, the osteopath will be able to help releasing this particular kind of tensions, harmonizing the entire area with gentle fascial and visceral techniques.



For all the previous conditions here at the Living Centre Clinic you will find Marta Vacca, Registered Osteopath specialized in Visceral and Cranial osteopathy, who is going to help you to solve the problem. Each session will consist in an assessment and an osteopathic treatment, plus valid advice about your posture and lifestyle.

Call us today 02089462331 to book an appointment at the Living Centre Clinic.

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Visceral Osteopath

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