Fast Shoulder Pain Treatment Wimbledon
Shoulder and Arm Pain Treatment in Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Morden & New Malden areas.
Shoulder Pain Treatment for Wimbledon, Raynes Park, Morden & New Malden areas. Qualified & Experienced Osteopaths
– Shoulder Pain / Neck Pain / Arm Pain?
– Can’t Lift Arm / Painful To Move it?
– Pins And Needles / Pain at Night?
Recommended by Wimbledon doctors
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The Shoulder Joint
No other joint in the body which has such a large range of movement as the shoulder joint. It can be viewed as a hyper-mobile joint. Mechanically, hyper-mobility can led to instability when damaged.
Left untreated it may eventually turn into a Frozen Shoulder. So it is important to seek the help of an experienced therapist early, so do ask one of our osteopaths at the Living Centre Clinic for advice.
Fast shoulder pain treatment in Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Morden areas for rotator cuff, pulled muscle, tendonitis, bursitis, trapped nerve and constant ache.

Image shows very little free space in shoulder. Small damage can lead to ongoing pain.
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5 Causes of Shoulder Pain
At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon, we find many shoulder complaints arise from poor posture. Our expert osteopathy team will guide you to achieve the best possible relief. The slouching posture can result in rounded shoulders as the pectoral muscles (chest muscles) start to shorten. Screen time can make this worse. The tightened muscles tighten the shoulder which can lead eventually to damaged muscle, ligament or tendon. Our experienced osteopaths can gently release tight tissue, through gentle massage like treatment and help to re-lengthen shorten muscles, with therapy and exercises you can take away.
Rotator Cuff (Shoulder Injury)
The rotator cuff are a group of short stubby muscles which hold the ball in the socket. Once these are damaged it can lead to shoulder instability. For example sharp pain on simple unguarded movements, whilst normal lifting power remains unaffected. If you feel you suffer from this it is important to have this checked as an unstable shoulder mechanism could lead to years of problems. Such symptoms are usually more pronounced in the shorter person as they have to lift their arms upward more often than taller people – so putting more strain on the shoulder. With our expertise in shoulder we can help relieve the pressure on the shoulder, increase it’s range of motion and learn how to do things safely whilst it heals. Osteopathic treatment is gentle and helps free you from shoulder pain.
Pain Behind the Shoulder Blade
Shoulder blade pain can be confusing. Pain in this area is usually referred from the neck. Whilst the temptation is to massage the area which hurts, frequently that fails to fix the pain. For example, in much the same way that the pain of angina of the heart can cause pain in the left arm, there is little merit in the doctors attending to the arm. They have to address the heart. In the same way your osteopath may need to attend to your neck. On occasions it may be neck and shoulder blade pain together. For all these reasons it’s good to have a thorough check-up and find out what is going on.
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
Frozen shoulder occurs commonly when a shoulder injury or damage remain untreated. It usually starts with pain on movement, specially lifting. Gradually the ability to lift or use the arm diminishes and eventually pain arises at night time too. It is almost as if the body is forcing you to stop using the arm. This can last anything from 3 months to about 3 years – which is a very long time not to be able to use your arm. At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon, we can help identify the shoulder conditions risk of becoming a frozen shoulder and give you the right shoulder treatment to take away the pain. If you already have a frozen shoulder, particularly in the first 3 months of it becoming stuck, or if you are in much pain, we can help. So call our friendly osteopathic team today, as it may not be too late.
Trapped Nerve, Shoulder
There are times when you can have a trapped nerve in the shoulder. Actually, in the strict sense this is not true, but you can suffer nerve pain in the shoulder. This usually happens when a nerve may be trapped in the neck. It is common to suffer pins and needles down the arm or into the fingers. It can also produce an aching on the side of the upper arm or numbness. Usually the symptoms will worsen the more you sit or carry. Like all nerve pain, you need to get the right diagnosis in order to receive the right treatment. The Living Centre Clinic has a special interest in help releasing trapped nerves (wherever they maybe trapped). Why not call our friendly osteopathic team for advice.
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Diagnosis and Treatment
The key to successful treatment is in reaching the right diagnosis. This produces the most fitting treatment, and as importantly, the correct advice and exercises. At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon we have extensive experience in helping shoulder pain. Whether this arises from injury, posture, the spine (neck) or the shoulder itself, we have a proven expertise in relieving pain speedily. Additonally the clinic uses a highly specilaised treatment couch, helping to provide relief from trapped nerves.
With successful treatments since 1986 you can rest assured your case will be handled with competence. The collective osteopathic skills are pooled and as they are combined with remedial exercises, it will provide you with a solid path back to good health again. Where needed we also refer for x-rays and MRI scans and frequently work with local doctors to help you achieve the best results. Your visit includes a full joint examination, diagnosis and gentle hands-on, massage-style treatment.
7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.
Treatment Fees are competitive.
Emergency appointments same day.

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Back Pain Relief. Take Home Help.
Just a small sample from our library of 100s of
professionally created exercise videos.
Let our specialists help relieve your pain
Your osteopath has access to 100s of exercise videos and advice sheets just like these. Your exercises are personalised, unique to every patient. These are delivered to your computer, tablet or smart-phone and yours to keep. We try to empower you to help yourself, so these benefits last long after you have been discharged.
Living Centre Clinic: Migraine and headache pain relief
With an estimated 70,000 treatments at the Living Centre Clinic Raynes Park, you can be sure your experience of healthcare comes with an osteopathic pedigree. The clinic is well connected with the medical profession. We refer patients with back pain, slipped disc, arthritis and other spinal complaints for x-rays, scans etc whenever needed.
What sets us apart from other clinics is our ‘knowledge sharing’ philosophy. The clinic has a policy of sharing expertise and clinical skills between practitioners since 1986. You can be sure each of our therapists is enriched from this, offering you a higher standard of care, which we believe translates to better value for money and a shorter treatment course.
The Living Centre Clinic see patients not just from Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Morden, but much further afield too. In fact our reputation for our excellence and personalised treatment care attracts patients from all over London.

Vispi Jamooji

Jennifer Beck

Marta Vacca