What we offer
Safe Natural Remedies
Gentle Enough For Newborns
Used Throughout The World
Helps Skin, Digestion and Breathing Disorders
An Alternative to Western Medicine

“Like Cures Like”
Homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like”. In its simplest form it is broadly similar to the principle of immunisation, i.e to prevent an illness a small, adjusted dose of the illness is given to the patient. However with homeopathy, the dosages are not only exceptionally small, they also undergo a mechanical process known as succussion, or potentisation which activates the homeopathic medicine. It is used world wide for over 200 years, by an estimated 200 million people.
The Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathy is are believed to be very powerful by their users. It can help at three different levels, emotional, chemical and physical. This makes it ideal for use in a variety of conditions and ages. Homeopathic medicine is believed to be most powerful when used for helping emotional disturbances, in particular stress, anxiety or depression in adults, as well as infections, fevers, skin conditions and stomach complaints in children.
Due to the lack of side effects associated with homeopathy, prescribing treatments are particularly popular at this clinic for newborn babies and young children. With years of experience we are able to provide a safe alternative where traditional medicine may not have succeeded, or it can be used to support your child’s welfare by working together with your doctor’s care.

The Whole Person
Homeopathy is about treating the person as a whole. This involves taking account of the symptom picture as well as the characteristics and habits of the individual person. These characteristics are then compared against the characteristics of known homeopathic drugs. There are literally thousands of remedies each with their own “character”, just as people have their own individual characters. The experienced homeopath is able to link up the right remedy with the right person.

Treatment Experience
Genuinely caring clinicians to look after you
Each with years of experience and postgraduate qualifications
Professional and safe place to relax
Choice of male / female clinicians
Massages available from 30 min – 90 mins

Used for
Infections and recurring infections
Ear Infections
Digestive Complaints
Skin disorders