Back pain

What causes low back pain?

Low back pain, back pain and sciatica often arise as a result of damage to the muscles, ligaments, joints, discs or nerves of the low back. The commonest cause of back pain today is bad posture, such as poor sitting or standing postures, and something our osteopaths are experienced at helping with.

This results in muscle spasm, tension or aching which can travel up the back or down the leg. Pain can also move from the low back, into the buttock or hip. Pain can strike anytime, but it’s usually worse after sitting or by the end of the day.

Back pain treatment

Every back pain is different. Consulting a clinician who reaches the right diagnosis is crucial. This influences the choice of treatment and the number of visits needed. The Living Centre Clinic Raynes Park, offers extensive experience in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment under Vispi Jamooji and his team. Vispi is one of London’s experienced osteopaths in the non-surgical management of spinal pain, which is why many people seek our help for pain which may not have responded to previous therapies this includes physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathy.  If your case is beyond the scope of manual medicine you will be referred on or sent for X-rays, MRI scans or blood test investigation.

Back pain treatments are available 6 days a week, from 7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.
Emergency appointments are usually seen the same day, as the clinic has a team of 4 experienced osteopaths.
Treatment Fees are competitive.

Treatments include a full spinal examination, diagnosis and gentle* hands-on, massage-style, back pain relief. Additionally we use specialist treatment equipment which gently eases spinal pain and helps relax painful tissues. You will be taught exercises and given help with posture. You will also have access to email and phone support for after hour care and our friendly reception service is open 9am – 9pm daily (Saturday to 6pm).

Generally we avoid harsh manipulation such as “bone cracking” unless specifically requested, ie for a sports injury treatment etc.

Back pain & healing

Obviously the source of much pain comes from the injury itself, though curiously enough, pain also arises from the body’s response to that injury, ie inflammation and muscle spasm.  We help empower our patients to combat these two sources of pain, not by treatment alone, but by explaining how their own healing pathway will progress and how to look after themselves. Patient participation speeds up the healing process.

The Healing Pathway

Healing is like a 3-legged stool. You need all legs for best outcome. The core elements are:
– ‘Mechanical’ care. This is provided by your osteopath to release painful tissue.
– ‘Posture’ care. This is provided by you to reduce tissue re-injury forces between treatments.
– ‘Chemical’ care. This reduces inflammation and muscle spasms  (drug or natural agents). This is needed because healing is inefficient in the presence of inflammatory fluids – a bit like trying to lay carpet in the presence of flood water.

We discuss each of these elements with you step by step. It is important these components are identified and correctly managed, creating the best healing pathway for your condition and life-demands. Exercises, advice and the correct use of hot and cold, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines all play an important part in your care pathway.

This is what we try and achieve for you and every one of our back pain patients.

Back pain relief

Your osteopath has access to 100s of exercise videos and advice sheets. Your exercises are personalised, unique to every patient. These are delivered to your computer, tablet or smart-phone and yours to keep. We try to empower you to help yourself, so these benefits last long after you have been discharged.


What causes headaches?

Most of the common headaches do not arise from the head, but typically from the neck. These headaches can include neck pain and shoulder pain. Some people may feel pain into a shoulder blade.  For this reason doctors call this “cervicogenic headaches” and this is one of our flag-ship treatments at the Living Centre Clinic. Our massage and osteopathy treatments are effective in combating common and recurring headaches.

Causes of Face Pain

Headaches arising from the head itself, (ie a cranial strain for example) can include eye pain, ear pain, tooth pain, sinus pain as well as tingling on the face, face pain, jaw pain or twitching facial muscles such as an eye or lip. Symptoms may also include unexplained dizziness, foggy head or tension headaches. Its always worth a visit to discover if your symptoms can be helped with our ‘hands on’ treatments and our expert advice.

Causes of Tension Headaches

The majority of these ‘mechanical headaches’ are usually due to joint strain or muscle strain. This can arise from poor posture, excessive screen time, tiredness, lack of fitness as well injuries to the neck such as whiplash,  ‘sleeping funny’, coughing, sneezing etc.  Of course, headaches can also be the sign of something sinister which is why we refer for x-rays and scans when needed.

For all these reasons seeking the help of an experienced clinician is important. At the Living Centre Clinic in Raynes Park, Wimbledon, we have a long history of successful neck and headache treatment.  Our treatments are effective, producing express relief and together with our pain-prevention philosophy, we can help prevent pain recurring.

Headache and Migraine Treatment in Wimbledon

Treatments are available 6 days a week, from 7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.
Emergency appointments are usually seen the same day, as the clinic has a team of 4 experienced osteopaths.
Treatment Fees are competitive.

Treatments include a full spinal examination, diagnosis and gentle* hands-on, massage-style, back pain relief. Additionally we use specialist treatment equipment which gently eases spinal pain and helps relax painful tissues. You will be taught exercises and given help with posture. You will also have access to email and phone support for after hour care and our friendly reception service is open 9am – 9pm daily (Saturday to 6pm).

Generally we avoid harsh manipulation such as “bone cracking” unless specifically requested, i.e for a sports injury treatment etc.

Headache and Migraine Prevention

Osteopathic manipulation has a great reputation, proven in long term tension headaches and in migraine prevention. Gentle soft-tissue calming is the preferred choice for headache treatment.

Spinal treatment and manipulation at the Living Centre Clinic is very gentle. We combine the gentle cranial massage with soft massage of the head, neck and shoulder to calm raging, throbbing and sensitive tissues. Treatments can be combined with *spinal joint manipulation, in cases of stubborn ‘stuck’ joints, to bring virtual instant results.

*Note about spinal joint manipulation. It is known that excessive ‘bone cracking’ treatment can lead to hypermobile joints, which can cause muscles to tighten up around it to stabilise it. This can lead to more muscle tone can cause neck spams to develop, adding to the picture of tension. For this reason, the Living Centre Clinic osteopath’s in Wimbledon operate a policy of minimal joint manipulation. We try to massage and stretch out tight tissues to produce a lasting benefit you can reply on.

Neck Pain

What causes headaches?

Most of the common headaches do not arise from the head, but typically from the neck. These headaches can include neck pain and shoulder pain. Some people may feel pain into a shoulder blade.  For this reason doctors call this “cervicogenic headaches” and this is one of our flag-ship treatments at the Living Centre Clinic. Our massage and osteopathy treatments are effective in combating common and recurring headaches.

Neck pain treatment

Because of the complexity of neck pain it is important to speak to someone experienced in this field. Our osteopaths at the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon (Raynes Park), have a special interest in managing neck pain, shoulder pain and headaches. The treatments are so effective they are used to relax crying new  born babies in our baby clinic. The key to this is in an accurate diagnosis and gentle treatment. Our treatments are approved by doctors.

Neck pain treatments are available 6 days a week, from 7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.
Emergency appointments are usually seen the same day, as the clinic has a team of 4 experienced osteopaths.
Treatment Fees are competitive.

Treatments include a full spinal examination, diagnosis and gentle* hands-on, massage-style, back pain relief. Additionally we use specialist treatment equipment which gently eases spinal pain and helps relax painful tissues. You will be taught exercises and given help with posture. You will also have access to email and phone support for after hour care and our friendly reception service is open 9am – 9pm daily (Saturday to 6pm).

Generally we avoid harsh manipulation such as “bone cracking” unless specifically requested, i.e for a sports injury treatment etc.

Neck pain & healing

Obviously the source of much pain comes from the injury itself, though curiously enough, pain also arises from the body’s response to that injury, i.e inflammation and muscle spasm.  We help empower our patients to combat these two sources of pain, not by treatment alone, but by explaining how their own healing pathway will progress and how to look after themselves. Patient participation speeds up the healing process.

The Healing Pathway

Healing is like a 3-legged stool. You need all legs for best outcome. The core elements are:
– ‘Mechanical’ care. This is provided by your osteopath to release painful tissue.
– ‘Posture’ care. This is provided by you to reduce tissue re-injury forces between treatments.
– ‘Chemical’ care. This reduces inflammation and muscle spasms  (drug or natural agents). This is needed because healing is inefficient in the presence of inflammatory fluids – a bit like trying to lay carpet in the presence of flood water.

We discuss each of these elements with you step by step. It is important these components are identified and correctly managed, creating the best healing pathway for your condition and life-demands. Exercises, advice and the correct use of hot and cold, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines all play an important part in your care pathway.

This is what we try and achieve for you and every one of our neck pain patients.

Neck pain relief

Your osteopath has access to 100s of exercise videos and advice sheets. Your exercises are personalised, unique to every patient. These are delivered to your computer, tablet or smart-phone and yours to keep. We try to empower you to help yourself, so these benefits last long after you have been discharged.


Diagnosis of sciatica

In real life there are many causes of sciatica.

This is where the difference comes from, in getting someone better faster (or slower). We are well known for identifying the correct source of the sciatica, be it physical, postural, mechanical, inflammatory, emotional etc and so are able to engage you in the right treatment plan for your complaint.

Our diagnosis focuses on the true root cause of the pain, as well as it’s broader management. With over 30 years experience since 1986, we can help you achieve the right solution for your needs.

Sciatica treatment

Our unique scientifically designed therapy beds gently free pressure around the nerve, and it also very gently, helps soothe painful muscles. These specialised tables are few and far between in the UK and have to be experienced to appreciate it’s truly healing effect. Together with skilled joint articulation (gentle joint movements), muscle therapy (gentle massage) and therapeutic exercise, we help to take your pain away carefully and expediently.

Additionally with our 30+ years of experience we provide you with the critical information you need for self-help and also the practical things you can do to facilitate natural healing.

Sciatica treatment for
  • Sciatica
  • Back Pain 
  • Buttock Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Leg Pain
  • Pain behind the thigh
  • Pain in the calf 
  • Pins & needles / Numbness
  • Can’t sit properly
  • Shooting or burning Pains
  • Difficult to stand upright
  • Difficult to sleep at night
What is included in the treatment?

Firstly all our osteopaths are very caring and are selected to join our team because of their talent as well as their compassion. We believe caring people listen better and that is the first step to true healing of a person.

Your first visit is 1 hr: approx 30 mins to record your history, and 30 mins for examination & treatment. All consultations are supported by exercises, and above all, practical advice to help you heal outside the treatment room too. You may remain fully clothed, wear sports clothing, or receive treatment in your under garments. Towels are always provided.  You are also welcome to attend with a friend if you wish.

“You can trust us to deliver effective pain relief, correctly. With over 60,000 treatments already to our name we manage all types of back pains – and have even helped people avoid spinal-surgery”.

Vispi Jamooji DO, PGCert SPOP
Senior Osteopath Partner

Shoulder pain

The shoulder joint

No other joint in the body which has such a large range of movement as the shoulder joint. It can be viewed as a hyper-mobile joint. Mechanically, hyper-mobility can led to instability when damaged. Left untreated it may eventually turn into a Frozen Shoulder.  So it is important to seek the help of an experienced therapist early, so do ask one of our osteopaths at the Living Centre Clinic for advice. Fast shoulder pain treatment in Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Morden areas for rotator cuff, pulled muscle, tendonitis, bursitis, trapped nerve and constant ache. Our treatments are approved by doctors.

Five causes of shoulder pain


At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon, we find many shoulder complaints arise from poor posture. Our expert osteopathy team will guide you to achieve the best possible relief. The slouching posture can result in rounded shoulders as the pectoral muscles (chest muscles) start to shorten.  Screen time can make this worse. The tightened muscles tighten the shoulder which can lead eventually to damaged muscle, ligament or tendon.  Our experienced osteopaths can gently release tight tissue, through gentle massage like treatment and help to re-lengthen shorten muscles, with therapy and exercises you can take away.


Rotator Cuff  (Shoulder Injury)

The rotator cuff are a group of short stubby muscles which hold the ball in the socket. Once these are damaged it can lead to shoulder instability. For example sharp pain on simple unguarded movements, whilst normal lifting power remains unaffected. If you feel you suffer from this it is important to have this checked as an unstable shoulder mechanism could lead to years of problems. Such symptoms are usually more pronounced in the shorter person as they have to lift their arms upward more often than taller people – so putting more strain on the shoulder. With our expertise in shoulder we can help relieve the pressure on the shoulder, increase it’s range of motion and learn how to do things safely whilst it heals. Osteopathic treatment is gentle and helps free you from shoulder pain.


Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

Frozen shoulder occurs commonly when a shoulder injury or damage remain untreated. It usually starts with pain on movement, specially lifting. Gradually the ability to lift or use the arm diminishes and eventually pain arises at night time too. It is almost as if the body is forcing you to stop using the arm. This can last anything from 3 months to about 3 years – which is a very long time not to be able to use your arm. At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon, we can help identify the shoulder conditions risk of becoming a frozen shoulder and give you the right shoulder treatment to take away the pain.  If you  already have a frozen shoulder, particularly in the first 3 months of it becoming stuck, or if you are in much pain, we can help. So call our friendly osteopathic team today, as it may not be too late.


Pain Behind the Shoulder Blade

Shoulder blade pain can be confusing. Pain in this area is usually referred from the neck. Whilst the temptation is to massage the area which hurts, frequently that fails to fix the pain.  For example, in much the same way that the pain of angina of the heart can cause pain in the left arm, there is little merit in the doctors attending to the arm. They have to address the heart. In the same way your osteopath may need to attend to your neck. On occasions it may be neck and shoulder blade pain together. For all these reasons it’s good to have a thorough check-up and find out what is going on.


Trapped Nerve, Shoulder

There are times when you can have a trapped nerve in the shoulder. Actually, in the strict sense this is not true, but you can suffer nerve pain in the shoulder. This usually happens when a nerve may be trapped in the neck. It is common to suffer pins and needles down the arm or into the fingers. It can also produce an aching on the side of the upper arm or numbness. Usually the symptoms will worsen the more you sit or carry.  Like all nerve pain, you need to get the right diagnosis in order to receive the right treatment.  The Living Centre Clinic has a special interest in help releasing trapped nerves (wherever they maybe trapped). Why not call our friendly osteopathic team for advice.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The key to successful treatment is in reaching the right diagnosis. This produces the most fitting treatment, and as importantly, the correct advice and exercises. At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon we have extensive experience in helping shoulder pain. Whether this arises from injury, posture, the spine (neck) or the shoulder itself, we have a proven expertise in relieving pain speedily. Additionally the clinic uses a highly specilaised treatment couch, helping to provide relief from trapped nerves.

With successful treatments since 1986 you can rest assured your case will be handled with competence. The collective osteopathic skills are pooled and as they are combined with remedial exercises, it will provide you with a solid path back to good health again. Where needed we also refer for x-rays and MRI scans and frequently work with local doctors to help you achieve the best results.  Your visit includes a full joint examination, diagnosis and gentle hands-on, massage-style treatment.

7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.

Emergency appointments same day.

Shoulder pain relief

Your osteopath has access to 100s of exercise videos and advice sheets. Your exercises are personalised, unique to every patient. These are delivered to your computer, tablet or smart-phone and yours to keep. We try to empower you to help yourself, so these benefits last long after you have been discharge

Slipped discs and sciatica

Causes of Slipped Disc and Sciatica

Not all slipped discs occur suddenly, ie from a lifting or twisting strain. In fact many arise slowly, usually from postural causes, starting off  as recurring low back pain. The peak age of slipped disc is about 45 years old.  If the disc slips out too far, it can hit the main nerve of the leg, the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is about the size of your own index finger.  By the time the disc has slipped, the forces will have progressed beyond muscle injury, ligament damage and sometimes joint strain. For this reason it is important to seek the help of an experienced Wimbledon osteopath, as there are many factors in diagnosis and treatment.

At the Living Centre Clinic in Raynes Park, we have been treating low back pain, slipped disc and sciatica successfully for over 30 years. Many patients in the Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Morden areas have avoided surgery as a result of our  in-house expertise. That said we work with doctors and surgeons in the SW19, SW20 and other areas, to offer something you can rely on.

What occurs in a slipped disc and what is sciatica?

The discs (3) are the jelly like pads which sit in between the bones of the spine. These bones are called vertebrae (4). Immediately behind the disc is the spinal cord (1).  On each side of the spine are the delicate nerves (2) which supply your body.

When a disc slips it can sometimes press on a nerve (5). Actually, the disc oozes out, it does not really slip. There are several stages of a slipped disc. The following, from mild to severe, are all termed “slipped disc”. Bulging disc, herniated disc, prolapsed disc, sequestrated disc. Any of these can press on a nerve causing pain. This can cause pain in the buttock, hip, groin, thigh, leg, ankle or foot. Sciatica arises when pain travels down the leg. This can be with numbness, pins and needles, or in some cases sensations of hot/cold or deep aching in the buttock, leg or foot. A large slipped disc causing sciatica can be accompanied with large amounts of muscle spam in the back, difficulty turning in bed, sitting, driving or even standing sometimes. Occasionally sciatica can result in little or no back pain at all –  and you may only suffer leg pain or even just foot pain and nothing else! Incredible.

Diagnosis and Treatment

There are delicate structures next to a disc which can become damaged in back pain. Also when a disc slips it is important to be aware what sort of disc damage you have as this will denote what you are or are not able to do during your recovery. Further, the aim is to avoid additional slippage which could result in deeper entrapment of nerves or tissues, which in some cases may only respond to spinal decompression surgery. As mentioned the Living Centre Clinic’s osteopathic team have helped many people avoid back surgery and other types of surgery too. Our treatments are approved by doctors.

Our qualified osteopaths are trained to reliably detect slipped discs, sciatica and trapped nerves. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis is key to successful treatment and management. As such the Living Centre Clinic in Raynes Park Wimbledon, is trusted by thousands of our patients who return back to health swiftly. This is due in part to the highly specialised treatment couches we use. These couches gently help ease the pain of trapped nerves, slipped discs, bad backs and arthritis of the spine. Whilst highly specialised, they are as yet, not widely available in the majority of other SW London osteopathic clinics.  The Living Centre Clinic is equipped with two of these articulated beds.

Treatments include a full spinal examination, diagnosis and gentle* hands-on massage-style, treatment.  Our osteopaths are trained in a variety of skills including soft-tissue massage, cranial osteopathy, deep tissue release, and spinal manipulation, so you can be sure your will receive the approach that’s best for your condition. Exercises are emailed to your PC or smart phone to help you with posture and recovery. Additionally we provide email and phone support for after hour care and our friendly reception service is open 8am – 9pm daily (Saturday to 6pm).

Back pain treatments are available 6 days a week, from 7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.
Emergency appointments are usually seen the same day, as the clinic has a team of 4 experienced osteopaths.

Generally we avoid harsh manipulation such as “bone cracking” unless specifically requested, ie for a sports injury treatment etc.

Healing – a 3 step process

The first step is to target pain-relief by reducing muscle spam, tenderness and inflammation. Typically you will notice an improvement on your first visit.

Next step is to address the cause of the pain. Correctly done, this helps to create stability around the injured area and prevent re-injury.

Lastly we provide you with exercises and advice so you can help in your own healing. This includes the correct use of hot and cold packs, anti-inflammatory medicines, pain killers and natural alternatives.

Pain relief is our specialist subject and every clinician undergoes hours of post graduate training each year. The osteopathic pain relief team operate a policy of knowledge and skill sharing. This provides you with additional security that you are receiving the best care.

Slipped disc relief

Your osteopath has access to 100s of exercise videos and advice sheets. Your exercises are personalised, unique to every patient. These are delivered to your computer, tablet or smart-phone and yours to keep. We try to empower you to help yourself, so these benefits last long after you have been discharge

Trapped nerves

About Trapped Nerves

Nerves trapped in the spine are common. This usually happens when the soft jelly inside the disc oozes out and presses on the nerve. This oozing is termed a “slipped disc” (shown in red below), though in reality it can be considered  “leaky disc”. Once it oozes out, the nerve is trapped between the ooze and the bone, against which the nerve normally rests.

Nerves can also get trapped in other places in the body. Common areas are the elbow, knee and in ribs. Depending on where the nerve travels to, distribution of pain can vary.  Sometimes in very odd places, such as face pain, pain behind the eye, pain in your arm or fingers. Additionally depending on which nerve fiber is trapped symptoms range from pins and needles, sharp lanciating pain, dull ache, burning pain, pain on breathing, twisting coughing etc.

Nerves can also get trapped from degeneration of bones and soft tissues which can cause another set of symptoms. This can arise from inflammatory disorders such as arthritis for example.

Nerve pain can also arise from referred pain. This may arise prior to the pain of a trapped nerve. These symptoms have a different anatomy and character. The best known example of referred pain is the pain of cardiac origin. Though the heart sits in the chest, pain can be felt in the arm in the early stages. This means referred pain may be noticed in almost any part of the body, including the face and can be very confusing to the patient. It is not normally associated with pins and needles, numbness etc, just pain.

For the above reason it is important to ensure your symptoms are being attended by experienced clinicians, such as those at the Living Centre Clinic, SW20. Reaching an accurate diagnosis is key to working out which pain is referred and which is from a trapped nerve, as the treatment and prognosis may vary widely. We have years of experience not just in diagnosis, but in providing effective treatment, reducing your suffering time and helping you to return to life as soon as possible.

Diagnosis & Treatment

The key to successful treatment is in reaching an accurate diagnosis. Nerves are delicate structures and can often create confusing pain pictures. With the right experience and care we can help navigate you back to health.

At the Living Centre Clinic Wimbledon we have extensive experience in freeing trapped nerves, wherever they arise. This is because we use a highly specialised treatment couch, designed to release trapped nerves and ease sore muscles. Very few clinics in the UK have possession of these treatment couches.

With successful treatments since 1986 we have experience in providing swift relief.  Together with remedial exercises, you will feel good that you have a solid route back to good health again. Where needed we also refer for x-rays and MRI scans and frequently work with local doctors to help you achieve the best results.  Your visit includes a full joint examination, diagnosis and gentle hands-on, massage-style treatment. We avoid harsh manipulation and always work with the patient’s wishes, regarding how they would like to be treated.

7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm
Emergency appointments same day.

Calming nerve pain

Untrapping a nerve is often a delicate procedure. The most important thing is to identify what is causing the pain which an be complicated as mentioned before, and then identify the best way to relieve it. Treatment is aimed at the trapped nerve as well as the areas of the body supplied by the nerve. This is because continuous nerve stimulation can upset the harmony of the tissues it supplies, making it sore, tender, stiff, or sensitive. A qualified osteopath, such as those within our team, will apply a range of gentle techniques which treat the cause and the symptoms.

The treatment also looks at the forces passing through the muscles, bones and joints. This helps reduce pressure on vulnerable areas. The Living Centre Clinic’s osteopaths use a special spinal decompression table to relieve the pain of a trapped nerve, gently easing free, using a soothing rocking motion. This helps calm hurting tissue and helps nourish fatigued spinal tissues, by helping to re-hydrate the disc.  The Clinic is fortunate to have these tables, as our patients note, they are rarely seen in other London clinics.

We understand that fear, anxiety and fatigue also affect your energy, your moods and levels of pain. That’s why we take a sensitive approach in managing this stressful time in your life.


I have had both of the above treatments with Magda on separate occasions. Both were truly wonderful she is an excellent therapist that connects with her client. It is evident that she has a passion for her therapies and is truly gifted. I have experienced many treatments worldwide and I honestly can say she is one of the best. She is a credit to The Living Centre Clinic ….never let her go ! I will be returning again and again.

Catherine Mulcahy 
Catherine Mulcahy

As a doctor, I have great faith in Vispi’s professional skills as an Osteopath. Where conventional medical practice and medication was not adequate for recovery from muscle and joint problems. I usually relied on Vispi to improve the condition of my patients, and expedite recovery. I would strongly recommend him to anyone considering alternative therapy.

Dr A J Darr Esher Green Surgery, Esher, Surrey
Dr A J Darr

I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Vispi. He was so kind and understanding of the problems I was dealing with. He told me with great confidence that he could sort my shoulder and neck pain. I can not thank Vispi enough for doing just that! I walked in feeling so uncomfortable. I walked out upright, with full movement!! Honestly he has healing hands.
I can't wait for my follow up treatment. April 2024
Thank you Vispi

Vivienne Alexander 
Vivienne Alexander

Contact us

32 Durham Road, Raynes Park, London, SW20 0TW