The Living Centre Clinic Blog


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A video post

Learn how we treat neck pain effectively at our clinic in Wimbledon

Head and Neck Pain

Common Causes of Head and Neck Pain The neck is the most mobile part of your spine and it must balance a head weighing around 5kg. It's astonishing to note when the neck is bent forward by only 30º,  the force at the base of the neck is more than 3½ times it’s actual...

Shoulder and Arm Pain

Shoulder & Arm Pain Ever wondered where that pain in your arm or shoulder is coming from? It's helpful to know that pain in your arm may actually be coming from your spine, neck or even your upper back - and osteopathy is here to help! Commonly shoulder and arm...

Is There A Cure For Back Pain and Neck Pain ?

Curing back pain is a process. Discover the top tips to help you achieve this.

Get Fit in 2017

Get Fit in 2017

Ready to get fit?   New Year resolution?   Help and advice is at hand If your New Year’s resolution is to get fitter, faster,...

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Massage Secrets

Massage Secrets

Health Secrets: Discover the benefits of therapeutic massage   Why People Take Regular Massages We are trying so hard to be good...

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