Back Pain Treatment Wimbledon
Back Pain Wimbledon
Treatments for Back Pain, in Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Morden areas.
Qualified Registered & Experienced
– Back Pain?
– Pain on sitting or standing?
– Constant dull backache?
Looking for relief from pain?
Recommended by Wimbledon doctors
Call 0208 946 2331. Emergency appointments available daily.
What is Back Pain?
Causes of Low Back Pain
Low back pain, back pain and sciatica often arise as a result of damage to the muscles, ligaments, joints, discs or nerves of the low back. The commonest cause of back pain today is bad posture, such as poor sitting or standing postures, and something our osteopaths are experienced at helping with.
This results in muscle spasm, tension or aching which can travel up the back or down the leg. Pain can also move from the low back, into the buttock or hip. Pain can strike anytime, but it’s usually worse after sitting or by the end of the day.

Back Pain Treatment
Every back pain is different. Consulting a clinician who reaches the right diagnosis is crucial. This influences the choice of treatment and the number of visits needed. The Living Centre Clinic Raynes Park, offers extensive experience in accurate diagnosis and effective treatment under Vispi Jamooji and his team. Vispi is one of London’s experienced osteopaths in the non-surgical management of spinal pain, which is why many people seek our help for pain which may not have responded to previous therapies this includes physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathy. If your case is beyond the scope of manual medicine you will be referred on or sent for X-rays, MRI scans or blood test investigation.
Treatments include a full spinal examination, diagnosis and gentle* hands-on, massage-style, back pain relief. Additionally we use specialist treatment equipment which gently eases spinal pain and helps relax painful tissues. You will be taught exercises and given help with posture. You will also have access to email and phone support for after hour care and our friendly reception service is open 9am – 9pm daily (Saturday to 6pm). Our treatments are approved by doctors.
* Generally we avoid harsh manipulation such as “bone cracking” unless specifically requested, ie for a sports injury treatment etc.
Don't suffer with back pain
Back pain treatments are available 6 days a week, from 7.30am to 9.00pm weekdays and Saturday 8am – 6pm.
Emergency appointments are usually seen the same day, as the clinic has a team of 4 experienced osteopaths.
Back Pain & Healing
Obviously the source of much pain comes from the injury itself, though curiously enough, pain also arises from the body’s response to that injury, ie inflammation and muscle spasm.
We help empower our patients to combat these two sources of pain, not by treatment alone, but by explaining how their own healing pathway will progress and how to look after themselves.
Patient participation speeds up the healing process.

The Healing Pathway
Healing is like a 3-legged stool. You need all legs for best outcome. The core elements are:
– ‘Mechanical’ care. This is provided by your osteopath to release painful tissue.
– ‘Posture’ care. This is provided by you to reduce tissue re-injury forces between treatments.
– ‘Chemical’ care. This reduces inflammation and muscle spasms (drug or natural agents). This is needed because healing is inefficient in the presence of inflammatory fluids – a bit like trying to lay carpet in the presence of flood water.
We discuss each of these elements with you step by step. It is important these components are identified and correctly managed, creating the best healing pathway for your condition and life-demands. Exercises, advice and the correct use of hot and cold, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines all play an important part in your care pathway.
This is what we try and achieve for you and every one of our back pain patients.
Back Pain Relief. Take Home Help
Just a small sample from our library of 100s of professionally created exercise videos.
Don't suffer with back pain
Your osteopath has access to 100s of exercise videos and advice sheets just like these. Your exercises are personalised, unique to every patient. These are delivered to your computer, tablet or smart-phone and yours to keep. We try to empower you to help yourself, so these benefits last long after you have been discharged.
Living Centre Clinic: Back pain consultants
With an estimated 70,000 treatments at the Living Centre Clinic Raynes Park, you can be sure your experience of healthcare comes with an osteopathic pedigree. The clinic is well connected with the medical profession. We refer patients with back pain, slipped disc, arthritis and other spinal complaints for x-rays, scans etc whenever needed.
What sets us apart from other clinics is our ‘knowledge sharing’ philosophy. The clinic has a policy of sharing expertise and clinical skills between practitioners since 1986. You can be sure each of our therapists is enriched from this, offering you a higher standard of care, which we believe translates to better value for money and a shorter treatment course.
The Living Centre Clinic see patients not just from Wimbledon, Raynes Park and Morden, but much further afield too. In fact our reputation for our excellence and personalised treatment care attracts patients from all over London.

Vispi Jamooji

Jennifer Beck

Marta Vacca