Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching?

Make More From Life

Are you experiencing challenges in your life?  Are these associated with your health; your relationships; your family; your career; your money or your spiritual identity?  Has life lost its lustre and are you concerned that this will continue unless you do something, and yet,  you don’t really know what to do?

Life Coaching


Stress, anxiety, emotion

Phobias, sensitivities, well-being

Personal Development

Public speaking

Leadership & executive coaching


The Whole Person


Have you had enough and are you now open to other solutions?

Let me help you.  With my extensive training and expertise in NLP Coaching, Timelines, Hypnosis, EFT and Life Alignment Therapy (see below) I can teach you how to understand yourself and how to overcome your problems by introducing you to new strategies you can implement across all areas of your life.

Using a powerful combination of modern psychological tools and ancient philosophical concepts we can bridge the gap between your conscious and unconscious minds so you become your own therapist and equipped with this new paradigm you will choose more empowering beliefs, emotions and behaviours that will have you living the life you desire.

With that in mind, I wonder what you would do, think or feel if you knew you couldn’t fail?  How would you be living your life differently, knowing that to be true for you?  I imagine it would be quite different!

Life coaching; together we can have you break through any limitations so you begin living a life that satisfies and exhilarates you.

About Stephanie


Ever since I can remember I have been reaching out to help people feel better.  I always wondered how some people created happy selves, and lives, whilst others seemed to struggle.

This conundrum fascinated me so much that I became a diligent student of many disciplines from a variety of teachers who offered diverse ways of finding ‘life’s answers’.  I learned a lot from them and yet understood at an intuitive level that one answer would not be perfect for everyone, all the time.

As I travelled and studied, I created an approach to health and healing called Self Empowering Solutions that convinced me of its effectiveness in putting the individual back in control of their lives.

This was accomplished by teaching them what I have learned and by helping them to construct a toolbox of solutions from that knowledge.  With this, they could understand the workings of their minds (conscious and unconscious); know how to connect to the present moment and learn how to love themselves.

Loving ourselves is very important because when we love someone we will do whatever we have to do to make them happy.  When we feel this way about ourselves we are willing to use this advanced set of tools to make ourselves happy.

My Qualifications


NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Coaching: a winning combination of two powerful approaches to fulfilment. NLP gives you the ‘manual for your mind’ and shows you how to manage your emotions and thinking and how to model the behaviours of excellence so you are able to adopt them for your life.  Coaching accompanies you through your current challenges and allows you to explore them and see beyond them to the solutions that already within you

Timelines:  releases limiting beliefs and negative emotions from your unconscious memory / identity

Hypnosis: accesses the power of your unconscious mind to release negative behaviours and unsupportive beliefs

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) / Tapping:  a set of tools that is likened to emotional acupuncture which allows you to release addictive behaviours and destructive beliefs

Life Alignment Therapy:  a hands-on healing modality that uses applied kinesiology, pendulum dowsing and coaching to identify the energetic and emotional contributors to your issues; releases them whilst restoring your natural flow of life energy to affect change at a deep level.

Treatment Experience


Genuinely caring practitioner

Years of experience and postgraduate qualifications

Professional and effective solutions

Appointment times to suit your lifestyle

Life Coaching


Make better decisions

Enjoy a better life

The confidence to take the next step

Your personal coach, guiding you every step of the way


I have had both of the above treatments with Magda on separate occasions. Both were truly wonderful she is an excellent therapist that connects with her client. It is evident that she has a passion for her therapies and is truly gifted. I have experienced many treatments worldwide and I honestly can say she is one of the best. She is a credit to The Living Centre Clinic ….never let her go ! I will be returning again and again.

Catherine Mulcahy 
Catherine Mulcahy

I saw Magda few years back for a pregnancy massage and later on for reflexology treatment to help to go into labour as I was overdue. Both times she was excellent and very friendly. It was just the perfect experience before welcoming our baby 2 days later 😊. Today I had a lovely back massage that was well overdue after carrying and picking up a child for a few years. April 2024

Liv Morgan 
Liv Morgan

Excellent local treatment for frozen shoulder just when I needed it most.

Colin Bethall 
Colin Bethall